Making Recycling More Efficient
Canadian Plastics
"Recycling always starts with size reduction," says Tony Eccles, president of Uni-shred, located in Mississauga, Ont. "Our line of shredders can make this part of the process much less labor and time ...
“Recycling always starts with size reduction,” says Tony Eccles, president of Uni-shred, located in Mississauga, Ont. “Our line of shredders can make this part of the process much less labor and time intensive.”
Eccles says Uni-shred’s line of high-torque, single-shaft shredders utilizes “controlled feeding” to break up large bales of materials or large parts economically at low horsepower. A hydraulic feed mechanism feeds material progressively, allowing the material to be gradually pushed into the cutting area. The feature eliminates the need to first de-bale or cut up material before placing it into shredder with conventional or uncontrolled feeding.
Another advantage of Uni-shred’s size-reduction equipment is the single-shaft design, says Eccles. Unlike a twin-shaft granulator, the single-shaft design can be used with a screen to separate like-sized pieces of material. The result, Eccles says, is usually a product requiring no secondary regrinding which can be fed directly into a six- or eight-in. extruder.
The concept for a single-shaft, controlled feeding shredder originated in Europe and is currently used in the design of size-reduction equipment by several other North American manufacturers, Eccles notes. Uni-shred, however, is the only company to use a square-cut rotor, which eliminates wrap-around and fall-through of particles in comparison to a V-shaped rotor.
A Uni-shred-built shredding line installed at a Quebec recycling operation improved throughput from 2000 lb./hr to 8000 lb./hr. Says Eccles: “With the previous system they had to break up large bales of material. With ours, they fill the machine up, push a button and walk away.”