Canadian Plastics

Resource Plastics Purchased by U.S. Firm

Canadian Plastics   

The Daedalus Project Inc. (Alexandria, VA) has purchased of the assets of Brantford, Ont.-based Resource Plastics Inc. The old Resource Plastics facility will operate as a wholly-owned Canadian subsid...

The Daedalus Project Inc. (Alexandria, VA) has purchased of the assets of Brantford, Ont.-based Resource Plastics Inc. The old Resource Plastics facility will operate as a wholly-owned Canadian subsidiary, Daedalus Composites, Inc. According to company spokesman Anton Bricker, Daedalus plans to use the plant to supply recycled HDPE in the manufacture of its proprietary line of low-cost housing targeted for the estimated one billion people worldwide who lack adequate shelter. Daedalus will launch the product line in Peru, where it has a contract to supply 36,000 of the structures. Bricker says it had not been determined at press time if the Brantford facility would also be used to manufacture the housing units. When running at full capacity the plant is expected to employ about 40 people.


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