Canadian Plastics

Husky names Stefano Mirti president of hot runners and controllers business

Canadian Plastics   

Canadian Plastics Plastics Processes

Stefano Mirti.

Stefano Mirti.

Husky Injection Molding Systems has named Stefano Mirti as president of its hot runners and controllers business.

Mirti has been the acting interim leader of the division since June 2015.

Mirti has more than 20 years of operations and sales experience within Husky including general sales manager, Europe; and most recently serving as vice president, global hot runner operations.


“Stefano has a deep understanding of our customers’ needs and brings this insight into every aspect of the business, from product innovation to sales and service,” said John Galt, Husky’s president and CEO.

Bolton, Ont.-based Husky has more than 40 service and sales offices, and manufacturing facilities located in Canada, the U.S., Luxembourg, Austria, Switzerland, China, India and the Czech Republic.


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